09.09.09 This is a stormy birthday for me...My husband dressed the twins and they went off to school. He didn't bother waking me up for my special day... The weather is so cold that I didn't even notice that they left.. I was still under my blanket and cuddling my pillows.. When I woke up, I read my mobile phone with 23 unread messages greeting me a very happy birthday...
I get off the bed and was surprised to see a gift from my hubby outside our room..It was wrapped in a pink wrapper and with a message on it. I was touched by his gesture because I know that it is an effort for him going to the mall and such an effort also picking a gift, having it wrapped and placing a message on it because he is not the type who loves to do such things. But surprisingly, he did and I am very happy... When I get down the stairs, I saw the white board of my twins with messages on it also. I noticed that my tears shed out of joy...I was walking outside and my nanang greeted, smiled and hugged me...I opened my facebook account and a lot of greetings were also there...My family from Dubai and my brother osep called to say that they remembered me on my day.. These are what birthdays are all about.. being able to see our worth..being able to feel that we are truly appreciated.
At this point in my life, I am very blessed to have a loving family who values me more than anything, a good health, a circle of true friends, a career, a growing business...I couln't ask for anything more...More than anything, I thank God for everything he keeps pouring my life...