Monday, June 28, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010
lazy morning...

I finally found time strolling around the mall, and this time I am satisfied with what I bought... A clean white sheet for only P 500 pesos and matched it with 50 peso pillow cases... Our room transformed into a hello kitty themed girl's room...sorry for my hubby, girls rule...
We woke up late this morning because we enjoyed cuddling in this white sheet with candy colored pillow cases...This is the best part of my everyday, waking up stress free with my family...Thank you so much, Lord!!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It is true that you cannot give what you do not have. I do believe in this saying…and as a mother it is very important for us to keep this in mind...You might ask what makes me say so??? These past few days I have been very busy, with the moving up preparation of our Salingket daycare center, going to office every day, tending the twins and aside from that, planning and budgeting for our soon to open car wash near our area. I have been rushing recently every morning just to meet all the deadlines. I almost forgot that I should also have TIME for myself…
Most of us moms feel guilty of spending time alone, strolling or shopping, chatting with our girlfriends because we feel that we need to be with our family always. I need to be with them after work, after planning for the business, etc… but after the day is through, I find myself giving my kids my time but not the quality that they need. I am present but I am not involved, thus giving them my superficial attention. I realized that I missed out one important point. That is to have time for myself… to rejuvenate from the tired weeks that passed, to keep myself healthy, and to go out so that I may be able to tell and share more stories with them… Sometimes it’s ok to be lazy and just to giggle with them… Sometimes, it is ok to forget about tomorrow and enjoy what we have today… We cannot give our family the time that we need if we cannot give it to ourselves… So, to all mothers out there, we also have our own individual life, so go out and get a foot spa that you deserve…ciao!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
moving up
Sunday, January 10, 2010

I can still remember when I was 10 years old when my dad left for the states to work. I’m really not close to him but I can still remember the short time I, and my brother had with him. For some reasons, our parents’ marriage didn’t work out. Since then, our father didn’t communicate with us anymore. My mom tread paths of raising me and my brother.. I felt anger and hatred at time because at our age that is the only feeling you need to have in order not to pain. I have lots of questions which in my young mind cannot contain. My brother and I grew up anticipating that somehow there will come a time to have a glimpse of dad… This never came…
The hoping years ended, and came the acceptance that it will not come anymore..
As years passed, mom reaped the fruits of her labor of being a single parent. We have our own families now, and where we are now is because of her.. She taught us to be strong and not to become a victim of any painful circumstances. She had perfectly filled the missing piece.. Time really heals, and as it passes, the thought and the hope of seeing or hearing dad didn’t even cross my mind..
Until August 2007 came.. I was assigned to go to US for an event. With that, I took the chance of searching for my dad. I went to
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our nanang is one of the not so famous people in this world that I admire..She is an epitome of a woman with joy and gladness in her heart. Every morning when she wakes up, she would prepare the hot water while whistling to her favorite tune..She never goes tired of making milk for my twins and coffee for me every single day.. At her age, she can still take care of our meals and prepare it lovingly..I hardly seen her being grumpy and complain about anything..She just enjoys every day that she is with us and she always hold on to happy thoughts and always proud of her pamangkins and apos here in the Philippines and in Dubai.. I am very blessed because at my age, my mom, my kids and my husband can still experience her love and devotion to us..
Orang, short for Maura is the sister of Tatay Freddie, my mommy’s father..Matandang dalaga ang aming Lola same with her two older sisters who passed away already.. She, and her two sisters were the ones who raised my mom and her siblings..
She is now 80 years old but she doesn’t look her age..she still wears a striking nail polish and dangling earrings whenever she wants..she laughs and always find something to be happy about...Sometimes when something worries me, she would always give the best advice,” may awa ang Poon…” Nothing worries her meek spirit because she firmly believes this..
Nanang is now 80 years old, her body gets old but not her young spirit..Every night I pray for more strength and health for our nanang, more coffee, more sumptuous and loving dishes to serve, more pocket books to read, more stories and laughter to share, more life and good health… We love you our dear nanang, our gratitude to you will forever be..